Welcome to the Vacations Tour
Diary & Submission Portal!

 Vacations X Pure Nowhere

Vacations and Pure Nowhere have partnered to create a digital tour diary of their time across the USA!  Through the form below, you can send us videos, photos, artwork, voice memos, or anything else you can think of.

We’re looking for your experiences of the tour; the memories captured before, during, and after the shows. Event if you couldn’t make it to a show, you can still be involved!

We’re also excited to share a PO Box where you can mail us physical items — letters, postcards, photos, memorabilia (or anything else you can stuff in an envelope) — for possible inclusion in a very special art project, coming in the months post-tour.

PO Box 18917
Los Angeles, CA, 90018

See you out there! xoxo

P.S. Come back every few days for updates!

P.S.S. Spam of any kind will not be tolerated, please think before you post.

Vacations + Pure Nowhere


**by clicking submit, you agree to allow Vacations & Pure Nowhere to share your submission across our websites and socials, as well as receive email communications from us. Read more Ts&Cs here!




Photographs by Matthew Gonzalez